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Event Series Event Series: Active Retirement



On Every 2nd Wednesday in the Anderson Room (upstairs)

Contacts us on 02532042 for more information

Active Retirement Ireland (ARI) is a voluntary organisation for older people with a national membership of over 24,500 people and over 550 local associations. Members range in age from 50 -100+ years and cover a range of socio-economic backgrounds. As an organisation, ARI believes that all older people are equal and are entitled to be treated with respect. Older people all have different interests and needs, which ARI aims to identify and fulfil.

The organisation is run by voluntary committees at local, regional and national level giving approximately 4200 volunteers.

All the activities are aimed at keeping older people active and well. Active Retirement Associations are a lifeline for many older people who would otherwise feel isolated and lonely.

All older people are welcome to join Active Retirement Ireland, to have fun and have their voices heard, regardless of age, gender, culture or any other grounds.